Connecting the dots in the Northeast grain economy
Opportunities around the increased production of grains in the northeast
Increased profits for growers
Healthier soils
Better flavor and nutrition for grains products
A more connected and collaborative Northeast
Goals for the Northeast Grain Gab
Connect growers, producers, academics and others across the grains value chain
Facilitate the sharing of grains research, techniques and ideas
Support the development of market opportunities for Northeast grains
The Northeast Grain Gab is made possible by the support of these organizations.

Please note
Sessions on 10/8 are concurrent – you need to pick which one you want to attend!
All sessions (except for the 10/7 tour and 10/8 reception) are being held at Yale West Campus in Orange, CT.
The West Campus Conference Center is located at 800 West Campus Drive, Orange, CT. The West Campus Landscape Lab is located at 350 West Campus Drive, Orange, CT. Here’s a map.
Specific session location info is in the [bracketed italic text] at the end of each session name.
Monday, October 7, 2019
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Tour of Chabaso Bakery and Atticus Bakery [360 James St, New Haven]
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
8:00 am - 9:15 am
Check-in and breakfast [Conference Center Room A]
9:15 am - 9:30 am
Welcome To The Northeast Grain Gab with Justin Freiberg (Yale Landscape Lab) and Charlie Negaro (Chabaso & Atticus) [Conference Center Auditorium]
9:30 am - 10:15 am
Keynote with Amy Halloran (The New Bread Basket) [Conference Center Auditorium]
10:30 am - 11:45 am
Massachusetts Spotlight with Andrea Stanley (Valley Malt), Christy Timon & Abram Faber (Timber Baking), Kim Van Wormer (Plimoth Grist Mill), Tom Sadlowski (FOTES) [Conference Center Room 216]
Maine Spotlight with Amber Lambke (Maine Grains), Tristan Noyes (Maine Grain Alliance), Ellen Mallory (University of Maine), Kerry Hanney (Night Moves Bread) [Conference Center Room 218]
Earth Oven Building Workshop (part 1) with Sam Coates-Fink (Backyard Bread) [Landscape Lab]
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
Lunch [Conference Center Room A]
Seed Share with Sylvia Davatz [Conference Center Room A]
12:30 PM - 1:15 PM
Koji, Shoyu And Miso with Bob Florence (Haleybrook Foods) [Conference Center Room 214]
Milling For Health with Allison Arnett (Yale Hospitality) and Gary Soffer (Yale School of Medicine) [Conference Center Room 216]
The Broken Chain: Reinstating Ancient Grains In Quebec with Daniel Des Rosiers (Boulangerie Des Rosiers) [Conference Center Room 218]
1:30 pm - 2:45 pm
New York Spotlight with June Russell (GrowNYC), Aaron MacLeod (Hartwick College Center for Craft Food & Beverage), Keith Seiz (Brightly Creative), Lucas Sin (Junzi) [Conference Center Room 216]
Connecticut Spotlight with Spencer Thrall (Thrall Family Malt), Charlie Negaro (Chabaso & Atticus), Andy Dappollonio (Still River Farm), Rodger Phillips (Sub Edge Farm) [Landscape Lab]
Vermont Spotlight with Martin Philip (King Arthur Flour), Heather Darby (University of Vermont), Seth Johnson (Morningstar Farm) [Conference Center Room 218]
Earth Oven Building Workshop (part 2) with Sam Coates-Fink (Backyard Bread) [Landscape Lab]
3:00 pm - 4:15 pm
Brewing With Regional Grains with Barry Labendz (Kent Falls Brewing Co.), Alex DeFrancesco (Stewards of the Land Brewery), Tyler Jones (Black Hog Brewing), Erik Ofgang (Connecticut Magazine) [Conference Center Room 218]
Grow Your Grain And Eat It Too: Strengthening The Local Grain Narrative With Whole Grains with Abby Clement (Whole Grains Council) [Conference Center Room 216]
Regional Grains Pasta Workshop with Avi Szapiro and Dylan Hansen (ROÌA Restaurant) [Landscape Lab]
Enhancing Your Local Loaf Workshop with Jonathan Stevens (Hungry Ghost Bread) [Landscape Lab]
4:45 pm - 5:30 pm
Good Bread Is Good For You with Tom Gumpel (MDJ Baking) [Conference Center Auditorium]
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Reception at Atticus Bookstore Cafe [1082 Chapel St, New Haven]